Keeping up with technological advancement in the construction, survey and monitoring markets isn’t just a case of keeping in the know with new product releases. We now live in a world where our professional language is advancing as fast as the technology.
If you were completely honest, do you really understand what is meant my UX, UI, API, SFTP, LoRa, LTE-M, IoT, LiDAR, AIoT, Machine Learning, AI and WAN.

Our professionals now face the challenge of not only needing to know how to interpret and present data to clients, but in order to take advantage of the rapid advancement in technology, they also have to intimately understand a broad array of communications protocols, systems, sensors and electronics.
With remote wireless instrument deployment becoming the most cost effective method of delivering long term structural, geotechnical and environmental monitoring, and with no two remote monitoring systems adopting the same wireless protocols, data management or data transmission methodology, understanding the basic concept of remote wireless monitoring is simply not enough to be able to be able gain an appreciation of the subtle differences between each system and to be able to compare and contrast the pros and cons of each.

“Total Cost” has become a critical consideration, not just on a project by project basis, but more importantly, in relation to the capital investment it technology that can be deployed again and again across multiple projects and to integrate a broad array of sensors.
So, is it realistic to expect your structural, geotechnical and environmental engineers to gain an in-depth understanding of this advanced technology? A technology that is not supported by any academic or professional training courses or qualifications.
At present the best that is offered is the training provided by each system manufacturer, which is inevitably biased towards their system’s benefits and does identify shortcomings or unbiased comparisons to others.
Unfortunately the answer is complicated, expensive and ever evolving. At Dyna-mo Instruments we are working with universities, business chambers and system manufactures to explore the possibility of an academic qualification being made available to ensure your engineers are trained and competent in the selection, preparation, installation, commissioning and recover of wireless remote communications and monitoring systems.

In the short term we will be launching three training courses, from a basic 1-day introduction course into IoT wireless remote monitoring systems, through to a comprehensive 3-day course covering the different communication protocols, digital and analogue sensor integration, power supply, installations and commissioning.
To support those businesses venturing in to, or expanding their offering of, wireless remote monitoring, Dyna-mo Instruments provide full project instrumentation proposals and are now able to provide onsite system commissioning.
Our business focuses on the technology so that your business can focus on client delivery.
If you’d like to know more about our forthcoming training courses or if you’d like to work with us to expand and accelerate your offering of wireless remote monitoring services, get in touch.
t. 01604 278 325